Published inBits and PiecesA Deep Dive into Temporal : The Future of Long-Running Task ManagementWhen it comes to handle/managing long-running tasks, it has always been a challenge. Whether it’s handling complex workflows, ensuring…Sep 3, 2024Sep 3, 2024
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishMonoRepo vs. MultiRepoIn this article, I’ll delve into the monorepo trend that’s generating buzz and explore its pros and cons when compared to MultiRepo.Aug 19, 2023Aug 19, 2023
Published inJavaScript in Plain English6-Caching Strategies to Remember while designing Cache SystemHow to invalidate the cache, strategies around Read v/s Write Cache,Ways to invalidate the Cache, terminologies around Cache System & Much…Mar 24, 20231Mar 24, 20231
Unknown Facts On Bit Torrent ArchitectureI will talk about lesser unknow facts & internals of Bit torrent architecture , overlook of Peers,Seeders,leechers,choke algorithm,free…Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
Internals of Disk Writes And Write Ahead Logging for Database ReliabilityWe will discuss about the internals of disk writes, ways to improve it and how write ahead logging can help us achieve the same.Feb 25, 2023Feb 25, 2023
In world of Big Data : What are Databases Index?Here in this article, i will be covering over need/types of database indexes, how does the database engine stores the actual record and…Feb 20, 2023Feb 20, 2023
Published inBits and PiecesHandling Distributed Transactions in MicroservicesDiscover patterns for handling ACID properties in distributed transactions.Feb 10, 2023Feb 10, 2023
Published inBits and PiecesHow to Handle Real-Time Stream ProcessingHow to handle real-time processing of large amounts of data in distributed systems, why to use stream processing, how/why it is built.Feb 3, 20231Feb 3, 20231
Published inBits and PiecesBackend for Frontend (BFF) Pattern in System DesigningWhen, how, and why you should use a backend-for-frontend pattern while designing the architecture for your application.Jan 26, 20237Jan 26, 20237
Published inNerd For TechLeader Election Algorithms in Distributed Systems👉👉For electing the leader of a distributed systems there are multiple algorithms. I will briefly discuss few in this article.Jan 20, 2023Jan 20, 2023